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Unit 3 Let`s Go Further

unit 3   let`s go further

i.  objectives
1. project
2. did you know:
      introduce some more important dates in some counties.
3. additional words

ii.  procedures
1. leading-in
 greetings.   what day is it today?
     what date is it today?
             it`s ____ (the) _____
    it`s the ______ of ______
2.  pre - task
(1) song: months of the year

(2) game.  who is faster?
     ps count form first to thirtieth on groups one by one.

3.  while - task
    (1) did you know?  (电脑呈现)
          to introduce some more important dates in some countries
              chinese day
              thanksgiving day
              christmas day
              mother`s day
      a. let the students to introduce the dates in the table.
      b. make dialogue and fill in the table in pairs.
          -----  what holiday is it in chinese?
          -----  new year`s day?  it`s 元旦in chinese.
          -----  is jan. 1st  new years day?
          -----  yes, it is.
      c. check their answers.

4.  post – task
(1)  activity book. page 7 ex. 5
(2)  write the time in english
     8月12日,  6月3日, 12月1日, 1月20日….
1. activity book. unit 2. ex 1-4
2. listen, read and recite unit 2.
3. do you know more important date in the world?


1st.       first        one
2nd       second      two
3rd       third        three
4th       fourth       four4页,当前第11234
5th       fifth         five
6th       sixth        six
10th      tenth        ten
11th       eleventh     eleven
12th       twelfth      twelve
13th       thirteenth    thirteen
20th       twentieth     twenty
21st       twenty-first    twenty-one

unit 3   let`s go further

i.  objectives
1. story time
2. sound families
3. exercises in activity book.

ii.  procedures
1.  pre - task
(1) dictation.

(2) song: months of the year

(3) game:  which is faster?
           8月12日,  6月3日, 12月1日, 1月20日…
2.  while - task
    (1) what day is it today? 
        what date is it today?
      i`ll will show you a photo of ben`s family (电脑呈现)
       look, the old man is his grandpa.
       look at the dialogue and try to answer the question
       what does his grandpa like?

  (3) listen and read after the tape.

  (4) review
       a    []
       e  []
       i  []
       o []

   (5) listen to the teacher and read the sentences.
       ea []
       ee []
    er []
(6) read the sentences in groups.
(7) read the sentences aloud.

3.  post – task
(1)  activity book. p 8  ex. 6
(2)  activity book. p 6  ex. 3
1. correction
2. activity book. p 6  ex. 1-3


ea []
ee []
er []


i.  objectives
1. four seasons
2. twelve months
4. 3. first --- thirtieth

ii.  procedures

1.  pre - task
(1) game : look and say.
     january  feb   mar

(2) game.  let`s count
     p1: second4页,当前第21234
     p2: third.
     p3: fourth
(3) game: who is faster?
     what is the first month in a year?

2.  while – task  (电脑呈现)
(1) choose the right answers.
   1)  there are _______(twelve, twelfth)  sofas in the living room.
   2)  the ___(two, second) fridge is big.
   3)  ____(do, does) your brother always come here on saturday?
   4)  the ___(nine, ninth) person from the left is my teacher.
(2)make sentences with the words
      he surfs             some reading on sunday
      she does     to the children`s palace on monday
      he eats              a lot of coffee every day

3.  post – task
activity book. unit3  ex. 6

1. activity book. unit 3. ex 5-4
2. dictation.
3. recite unit 1 and unit 2

module 2  abilities

i.  objectives
1. language skill
    (1)  can talk about the abilities.
    (2)  can tell what the animals can or can`t do.

2. language knowledge
     (1) vocabulary:
         4 skills:
            kangaroo, far, frog, fly, own, climb, write, hill, robot, speak…..
         3 skills:
            gift, else, russian, skate.
       (2) drills
    kangaroos can jump high
    can rabbits climb trees?
    can you write a letter in english?

  (3) sub-topic
          unit 4:  what can  you do ?
    unit 5:  what can the robot do?
    unit 6:  let`s go further

    3. affect
       (1) to help  pupils to develop the ability to use their imagination.
       (2) to let pupils know that animals are the friends of human beings, we should try to protect them.4页,当前第31234

       (3) to provide opportunities to develop the ability to produce continuous discourse.

       (4) to introduce some humor.

  4. leading strategy.
   (1) regulating strategy
   (2) communicative resource strategy
5. cultural consciousness
to arouse interest in and curiosity about other cultures.

ii.  difficult points

1.  can you jump?
      2. i can`t jump very high.

iii. schedule: 7 long – periods.

iv  materials
textbook, activity book, tape, teacher`s book, cards….
