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after class, look for, join, study, a newspaper, a picture book, play with




perhaps they are.

i’ll go and join them.

where are you going?







is he/she…?yes, he /she is. no,he/she isn’t.

are they…? yes, they are./no, they aren’t.

they are…



in the evening



1 能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词和词组after class, look for, join,     study, a newspaper, a picture book, play with
2 能听懂、会说、会读和会写现在进行时的一般疑问句极其回答。
句型what are you doing?i’m/we’re …
what is he/she doing?he’s/she’s…
3 能听懂、会说和会读日常交际用语和句型are you free now? how about …can you come and help…with…? see you this afternoon. please help me. yes, you’re right. sorry, you’re wrong.
4 了解元音字母a在单词中的读音。
5 会唱英语歌曲what are you doing?
二、teaching points
1. focal points: aim 1.2
2. difficult points: aim 1.2.
三、teaching aids:
四、teaching periods:六教时
period1: part a(left) +part b
period2: part a(right) +part b
period3: part c, d
period4: part e,f,g,h
period6: test 6
unit7 after school(period 1)
一. teaching contents:
   《fun with english》5a unit7 part a(left) , part b(部分), part c
二. teaching aims:
1. four skills:①a newspaper, a picture book, a magazine  i’ll=i will, join
2. three skills: perhaps they are. i’ll go and join them.
三. teaching points:
aim 1,2
四. teaching aids:
五. teaching procedure:
step 1 free talk
way: the students talk about they like , then practice in pairs.
step 2 presentation and practice
1.learn: read a newspaper
way: (1) t: (事先让两位学生在办公室)where are a and b?
       s1: are they in your office?
       t: perhaps they are. please go and get them.
       t: after school, what do you often do ?  such as reading books, playing football, making things and so on. do you have any hobbies?
       s: yes, i do. i like….
       t: somebody likes reading a newspaper.
    use the same way to teach other two words: magazine, picture book.
    (2) drill2页,当前第112
2. learn: look for / is he/she …? yes, he/she is. no, he/she isn’t.
way: t: (假装在找东西) where’s my picture? i’m looking for the pictures.
     t: who can come here and help me?
     s2: i can.
     t: look, s2 is helping me.
     s: (the student finds the pictures.)
     t: (show them the pictures) this is a study. this is nancy. let’s guess what she is doing in the study? let me guess first. is she reading some books?
   s3: is she looking for something?
   t: perhaps she is.
   s4: is she reading a magazine?
     …  t: look, she is reading a story book in the study. i’ll go and join her.
  (2)drill: 同法练习单数,复数的一般现在时的一般疑问句。(其中教授:perhaps they are. i’ll go and join her/him/them. i’ll=i will)
         t—s; s—s
3. learn: class /over /say goodbye to…
way: (1)t: let’s look at the picture of the text. it’s three o’clock in the afternoon. classes are over.
       t: the students are saying goodbye to the teachers.
     (2) drill: school is over./ …
step 3 read and say
1. look and say
   t: gao shan is looking for wang bing. he is in miss li’s office. what are they talking about? let’s listen to the tape.
2. listen to the tape.(只听52页上的内容)
3. read after the tape.
4.read the text.
5.act it out.
step 4 do some exercises
do the exercises in the workbook.
step 5 homework
1. copy the new words.
2. listen to the text and recite it.

