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5B Unit 1 A new term第二课时教案





1.听得懂、会说、会读、会拼写单词:subject, interesting, a week。听得懂、会说、会读、会拼写句型:what subject do you like ? i like … what lessons do you have on  …

2.听得懂、会说、会读句型和短语: how about you? at once

 what’s the thick?


1.听得懂、会说、会读、会拼写单词:subject, interesting, a week。听得懂、会说、会读、会拼写句型:what subject do you like ? i like …what lessons do you have on  …

2.听得懂、会说、会读句型和短语: how about you? at once what’s the thick?


听得懂、会说、会读、会拼写单词:subject, interesting, a week。听得懂、会说、会读、会拼写句型:what subject do you like ? i like …what lessons do you have on  …






step 1. free talk and revisiont: what day is it today?s: it’s…t: what lessons do you have in the morning / afternoon?s: we have…t:what lessons do you have in a week?(ppt显示所有学过的课程)让学生进行回忆和识记。step 2. presentation1.tchinese,maths,english,science,social science,art, pe, computer studies, they’re subjects.学习新授单词subject 科目注意正音区分subject与lesson



修改案2.教学句型“what subject do you like?” “i like…” (由对话自然引出)t: we are having an english lesson. do you like english?ss: yes …/no … (师帮助学生回答)t: what subjects do you like? (生跟读,出示板书)s1: i like … (师作提示)3.teach: how about you?师指明一名学生:how about you? 生自然地理解并作答,师可稍作提示“i like …”4.drill--- what subject do you like?--- i like…--- how about you?--- i like…a.师问生,直观呈观句型运用的情景,为学生自己开口说作铺垫。b.同桌互问,要求学生适当加入问候语,真实运用语言。c.走下坐位与学生交流,既检查学生的掌握情况,又给了学生说的场地、机会。5. learn “interesting”1). 教师可由以上的对话what subject do you like? do you like pe? 生回答yes, i do.师可引入yes, it’s interesting.interesting这个单词需要反复正音。新单词的呈现时师可放慢速度,让学生感知读音后再开口,为了使学生明确意思可在单词卡下面写出中文给学生参照。2). say a rhyme根据不同的学生不同的爱好这一特点,由生描述i like …,it’s interesting .一方面训练 interesting,同时也复习前面所学各种科目的单词。师总结出rhyme.i like english, it’s interesting .english, english, a, b, c.i like maths, it’s interesting .maths, maths, one, two, three.i like chinese, it’s interesting .chinese, chinese, write and read.i like art, it’s interesting .art, art, draw and sing.i like pe, it’s interesting .pe, pe, run and swim.6 .parte learn and read.2页,当前第1121) 师引导学生读,扫除障碍,大致了解图意。2)学习单词“trick” “minus”, “tell” 让学生猜其意并试读。3)  同桌问答,熟练地朗读对话。4)你知道其中的窍门吗?用同样的方法来出题,自编对话。例如:i like maths very much. it’s┅what’s 654 minus 456?it’s7. design a timetable1. 师出示自制的课表操练句型。how many lessons do you have in the moring?we have ┅how many chinese lessons do you have in a week?we have ┅what subject do you like?i like┅what lesson do you have on wednesday?we have┅2. make a new dialogue in pairs.3 design a timetable you like.1) 师示范(可利用科目粘贴的方式):选择星期几,再边问边选科目粘贴。2) 小组合作,注意用英语问答。3) 上台演示并作介绍。s1: today is ┅the first lesson is ┅s2: what subject do you like?s1: i like ┅s3: do you ┅step  3   consolidation.1.    练说书上d部分对话(work in pairs)2.    完成f部分表格。(work in pairs)step  4   homework1.抄写本单元所学单词、词组和句型,要求能默写。2.熟读并会表演read and act3.自由分组编演小对话。4.调查学生的兴趣、爱好,自制合理课表。

unit 1  a new term               what day is it today?   it’s… what lessons do you have in the morning / afternoon?  we have… what subject do you like?        i like…   it’s interesting.   how about you?
