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period   plan

unit 1

title what do you do every day?



lesson 4



teaching aims

1. ask the students to read ,say and write the words: clean the classroom, play basketball, sweep the floor, play games.

2. ask them to grasp the new sentences


teaching tools



tv,  word cards


key points

learn to say and try to use, ask students to use freely.


difficult points

master the sentence; what do you do after school….. i play games.

teaching   process


the activities of the teacher

the activities of the students

1、sing a song:can you tell me what this is?

2、free talk.

hello, boys and girls. how are you ? what’s this/that? can i have a look at your book/ pencil-box…

3 presentation:

a : new words: clean the classroom, play basketball, sweep the floor, play games

b what do you do after school….. i play games.



i will ask the students to write the sentences on the book.


1.  ask the students to listen to the tape and read after it.

2.  ask the students to translate the sentences.



1.  read the dialogue and answer the question with the new sentence pattern.

2.  ask the students to act the dialogue.


1.  to spell the new words

2.  to write three sentences with the new sentence pattern.

3.    to read the text

students sing the song with the teacher.



talk freely.





students follow to read several times



. students make up some sentences and write it down.





students listen to the tape and read after it.

 students to translate the sentences.





act the dialogue.



blackboard design


lesson 4

clean the classroom, play basketball, sweep the floor, play games

look back

they pay attention to the words phases and are interested in them.

period   plan

unit 1

title what do you do every day?



lesson 4



teaching aims

1.to grasp the pronunciation about letter

2.  to consolitation the sentence pattern.

3.  to ask the students to understand the text --- read and think.


teaching tools



tv,  word cards


key points

1.  to grasp the pronunciation about letter

2.  to consolitation the sentence pattern. 



difficult points

to ask the students to understand the text --- read and think

teaching   process


the activities of the teacher 5页,当前第112345

the activities of the students

greeting:  say “hello” to the students.

revision:  ask the students some questions to revise the lesson and let them to be active.

eg: a: hello,________. what are you doing?

   b: i’m __________.


to grasp the pronunciation:t i



i will have a match to practice the words. i show them these words and ask them to read and write.


1.  ask the students to listen to the tape and read after it.

2.  ask the students to translate the sentences.

3.  ask the students to answer the questions about this text.



1.  to spell the new words

2.  to write three sentences with the new sentence pattern.



students answer some questions.



students practise the pronunciation.


students to listen to the tape and read after it.


translate the sentences.

 students answer the questions about this text.


1.  read the dialogue and answer the question with the new sentence pattern.

2.  ask the students to act the dialogue.



blackboard design


lesson 4

what about yuan yuan

look back

they grasp the pronunciation about letter   and consolidation the sentence pattern.   the students  understand the text --- read and think.

period   plan





lesson 5



teaching aims

1.      ask the students to read ,say and write the words: every day, do homework, read books, every week

2. ask them to grasp the sentences:

do you do homework every day?

yes, i  do.



teaching tools



tv,  word cards


key points

learn to say and try to use, ask students to act out the dialogue


difficult points

how to act out the dialogue

teaching   process


the activities of the teacher

the activities of the students

1、greeting :how are you ?


2、free talk.

hello, boys and girls. let us talk about “what do you do after school?”


3 presentation:

a : new words: every day, do homework, read books, every week

b do you do homework after school….. yes, i do ..



i will ask the students to write the sentences on the book.


1.    ask the students to listen to the tape and read after it.

2.    ask the students to translate the sentences.


1.    read the dialogue and answer the question with the new sentence pattern. 5页,当前第212345

2.    ask the students to act the dialogue.


1.    to spell the new words

2.    to write three sentences with the new sentence pattern.

3.    to read the text

students greeting with teacher.



students discuss the topic.




 students follow to read several times and play games to practice the pronunciation.“open and close the door./low and high voice…”


. students make up some sentences and write it down.







read the dialogue and answer the question    act the dialogue.


blackboard design


lesson 5

every day, do homework, read books, every week


look back



period   plan





lesson 5



teaching aims

1.to grasp the pronunciation about letter a/k/g

2.  to ask the students to understand the text --- read and think. and answer the question.



teaching tools

words cards


key points

understand and translate the text


difficult points

master the pronunciation

very well

teaching   process


the activities of the teacher

the activities of the students


sing a song together;

.   free talk:

  hi, children. good to see you. how is it going?



t: look at the picture.what happened? let’s read and answer.

ⅰ. read and think

ⅰ) i will direct the students to read the text, encourage them to put some questions to me.

ⅱ) i will put the easy questions to them:

   what does david do on weekend?

   does liugang  want to go to the park on the weekend?

ⅲ) read the text. i will ask  students to answer the questions.

ⅱ. listen, match and read

ⅰ) i will show the phonetic symbol cards of /k/, /g/, /b/, the students read them one by one.

ⅱ) show the phonetic symbol cards of /k/, /g/, /d/ , coach them to pronounce.

ⅲ) write the phonetic symbols on the exercise books.

ⅳ) show the phonetic symbol words: /k/, /g/, /d/ ,and lead them to read aloud the words. then try to spell the words.

ⅴ) broadcast the recording of the rhyme,


write the phonetic symbols on the exercise books.



students sing and talk freely



students make up some new words and read aloud.



students read and also answer these questions.















students read and write the phonetic symbols.5页,当前第312345

blackboard design


lesson 5

cat  cap  dad  bag

look back


period   plan





lesson 6



teaching aims

1.to revise the words of this unit

2. to revise the sentence pattern of this unit

3.to revise the pronunciation of this unit



teaching tools

tape-recorder, computer, tv


key points

 the words of this unit

and the sentence pattern of this unit



difficult points

the pronunciation of this unit


teaching   process


the activities of the teacher

the activities of the students

greetings: say hello to the students


a: revise the verbs:

ask the students to have a dictation

b: revise the sentences:

  ask them to make up a dialogue with the sentence pattern .


1.do exercise three on page 13: listen write and say  

ask them to read and retell this part.

2. ask them try to do this on page 13


ask their parents to have a dictation with the students.


the students do the right action.

students write the words .and the sentences.

the students do and write this part.

blackboard design


lesson 6


look back

they have a  good  dictation to revise the words, phrases and sentences.

they can master the words very well.

period   plan






lesson 6



teaching aims

to revise the pronunciation of this unit

. to revise the text of this unit



teaching tools

tape-recorder, computer, tv


key points

to revise the pronunciation of this unit

. to revise the text of this unit


difficult points

the same to the important points

teaching   process


the activities of the teacher

the activities of the students

greetings:  say “hello” to the students.


1.      have a dictation to revise the words, phrases and sentences.

2.      to revise the pronunciation of this unit.


1.do exercise 2: play and learn

2.do exercise 4: unit assessment


to write something like part one of this lesson


blackboard design


lesson 6

early to bed, early to rise.

makes you heathy and wise.

look back

i had an exam in this lesson and some students grasped this unit very well. but some are bad so i will give them some help after class.

period   plan





lesson 7



teaching aims

1.ask the students to read ,say and write the words:  milk bread fruit vegetable 

2.ask them to grasp the sentences: 5页,当前第412345

what do you want to buy ?

i want ________.



teaching tools

tape-recorder, computer, tv



key points

1.      teach them the words: milk bread fruit vegetable

2.      teach them the sentences:

what do you want to buy ?

i want ________.


difficult points

ask them to grasp and use these phrases in their daily lives:

what do you want to buy ?

i want ________.

teaching   process


the activities of the teacher

the activities of the students

greetings:  say “hello” to the students.

revision:  ask the students some questions to revise the lesson and let them to be active.


a:1. new words: milk bread fruit vegetable 

2..i will tell them: hi, boys and girls, please look at the picture and guess what  are they ? what do you want to buy ?

ask the students to look at the picture and teach them the new words, and in this part i will teach them “i want to buy  some milk …

b: new sentence :

what do you want to buy ?

i want ________.

when i finish teaching the new words, i will show them a picture and then ask the students a question: “what do you want to buy ?” , let them say: “i want ________.”

(write it on the blackboard) and then show them another picture, then i will let them ask each other.  at  last i will ask them to make up some sentences with the sentence pattern.


i will ask the students to write the sentences on the book.


1.      ask the students to listen to the tape and read after it.

2.      ask the students to translate the sentences.


1.      read the dialogue and answer the question with the new sentence pattern.

2.      ask the students to act the dialogue.


1.      to spell the new words

2.      to write three sentences with the new sentence pattern.

3.      to read the text.



blackboard design


lesson seven

milk bread fruit vegetable

what do you want to buy ?

i want ________.


look back

the students understood these sentences and they can use in their daily life.5页,当前第512345