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五年级 课题  module7  unit 2  they  can’t  walk.              教学目标1.      会读、会写sit, sit down, chick这几个单词。2.      掌握they can’t walk. their mothers help them.3.      并用can /can’t 谈论能力。4.      培养学生听说读写的能力。5.      培养学生的合作的能力。6.      通过本课的学习,教育学生要关心残疾人。教学重 点掌握he/she/they can/can’t…并用can /can’t 谈论能力。教学难 点can和  can’t的综合运用。教学课 时1课时教学用 具单词卡片、录音机、残疾人图片。教学过程板书设计教学内容与教师活动一、warmer1.      greeting.2.      “how can dogs help people?”二、leading in1. take out  the word cards  and get the ss read.write ‘help, walk, eat, swim’ on the board.ask: what’s happened with these words?学 生 活 动answer:look and read.listen to teacherlook at the picture复     备三、learningstep1. learn the text.1.      play the tape.“what’s happened?”2.      play the tape again.“ find the new words.”3. teach the new words.3. play the tape for the  third  time.4. teach the sentences.5. get ss read in groupstep2. point and say.(sb/2)1.         read the sentence together.2.         get the ss work in pair.四、practice.1.  do ab/1.2.2.  do ab/3.3.  do ab/4.4.  do ab/5.五、let’s sing.1. play the tape.2.play the tape again.3. teach the song. 六、homework1. write the words.2. copy the text.3.预习 module 9.module 7 community unit 2 they  can’t  walk.their mothers help them.listen to the tape.listen and find the new words.learn the wordslisten and repeat.read sentences after teacher.read in group.read the sentence together.work in pair. one say and the other point.  do ab/1.2.  do ab/3.  do ab/4.5.talk about you what you can do and what you can’t do .listen listen againlisten to teacher.module  8:  教学内容  unit 1  what  time  does  school  start  ? 教学要求1. 学习掌握基本单词和句型:what do you have at school? at school i have chinese, maths, english, science.2.会说本课句型,并能在特定情景下自如运用本课句型.看图朗读本课课文。3. 培养学生浓厚的学习兴趣,乐于模仿,敢于开口,有较强的自信心,乐于参加活动。培养学生团结合作的精神,以及学英语,爱英语,热于用英语交流的良好态度。8页,当前第1123456784.培养学生积极自主的学习态度,学会在小组中与人合作,教学重点1.       能正确运用本课重点句型:2.       能在任务中灵活运用本课句型。教学过程step1: warm up1.       sing a song.2.       say chant. step2: revision1.       chant: basketball, basketball.     i like basketball.   i play basketball.   football, football.  he likes football. he/she plays football.step3: presentation and practice.   t: today, we will learn m4, u1.  1. t: what do you do at the weekend?  s1: i play football.  (say and do the actions.)  s2: what do you do at the weekend?  t: i play basketball.2.       t: what does he/she do at the weekend? ss: he/she plays football.

3.       play a game. ( listen and guess) t: what do you do at the weekend? s1: playfootball. t: what does he do at the weekend? s2: he plays basketball. t:sorry.s3: he plays football.t: yes.     step4: learn new lesson.1.       a) t: i know what you do at the weekend.but what do you do at school?(practice: at school)ss: at school i play football.at school i play basketball. t: and at school we learn lessons.but what do you have at school?  (practice)        b) chant: what do you have? what do you have?what do you have at school?        c) task:t: today, we will learn what you have at school.let’s go and see what amy and her friends have at school.   we’ll have a competition, amy’s group, daming’s group, lingling’s group and sam’s group. let’s see which group can find more quickly. but, i think we must learn something first.  at school i have chinese.   (practice)   d) pair work: what do you have at school?  at school i have chinese. e) learn “at school i have english.at school i have science.at school i have maths.” 2.       play games.a) t: look at the school timetable. let’s see which subject is missing.ss: maths. science.b) t: now, let’s have a competition.( look, i have put the books in order. i will ask two students listen and put the cards on the school timetable. can you help me? )  ss: at school i have scienc e  at school i have english.at school i have maths. at school i have chinese. 8页,当前第212345678c) t: what do you have at school? ss: at school i have english,↗ maths, ↗chinese↗ and science.↘work in groups.check up.d) let’s play a chain game.what do you have at school? at school i have chinese. what do you have at school? at school i have chinese↗ and science↘… step5: listen and repeat.

     t: we know what we have at school. would you like to know what daming hasat school? ok, let’s go and see.listen and point.listen and repeat.step6: activity book. p16, 1.   amy likes …do you like chinese?  yes, i do. no, i don’t. i like …step7: finish the task.   t: now we have known amy likes … daming likes… i think you can finish the task. let’s have a competition. i give you 1 minutes. then tell me what you have at school.are you ready?amy’s group: at school i have maths, science, english.  t: good, give you a smiling face.step8: have a chant.step9: homework     1.       listen and repeat 5 times.2.       tell your parents what you have at school.    课题 module8 unit2where did you lingling go yesterday ?教学目标1. where did you lingling go yesterday 2. ab unit2 练习1,2,3,调查:学生周末都去了哪里,干了些什么.教学重点学习 where / what  did、? 教学难点描述过去的行为。教学课时一课时教学用具cards   tape   radio  教学过程教学内容与教师活动学生活动复备step1 warmer 1 greeting.good  moring boys and girls.what do you get up?what do you do  at breakfrast?t  show some sentences.good  moringanswer.listen and judgess: it’s in england. 二learning1 teacher  tell  lingling  write to daming.2  listen and say.teacher  play the tape one time.play  again.3(sb)2 read and answerteacher show some questions.4(sb)3 listen and repeat.ask and answer about you.5(sb)5game.step 3 practice(ab)unite2  exercise1play  the tape.exercise2 exercise 4write  about  you.step4 summy  what did you learn this lesson?课内外作业与反馈1  read the text.2  introduce  the  past  something to your friends .    板书设计: module8 unit2 where did lingling go yesterday?

where did lingling go yesterday? what time do they start school in england?

what do they do in the  playground?

 what did lingling so with the girls?

 what time did the bell ring?       8页,当前第312345678

 what  did they do then?close the book and repeat some sentences.open the book listen and say.read the questions and talk about in groups,then tell.listen carefully!open(ab)unit 2 excecise3 draw the same part after listening the tape.check.mine  ask and answer in pairs.1listen  carefully2listen and  repeat3listen and write.check.cribe the meaings by action  and ask.complete by yourself. then tell. 

  课题:module9  feeling 1


1 : 培养学生能善于和同学交流感情以及个人的情绪。2:引导学生能够用“are you feeling sad/bored/angry?3: 能够用英语询问自己的朋友或者家长。


are   you   feeling   sad


are   you   feeling   sad




  tape    book     picture    cd---room   




一:warmming 1:t: what do we do at weekend?s: i go………….2:sing  a  song  (  hello     )二:teaching  content 1: study new  words a:老师表现出高兴的样子。同学们说出表情后教师板书:happy,然后老师带领学生去学习新单词。b:老师表现出无聊的样子,学生说出后老师板书:bored,学习另一个单词。使用类似的方法学习“sad,angry”这两个单1:student  one by one   二:学生先听,然后去读!




词。c:老师将拿出这些表情的卡片,问学生:are you feeling……..?引导学生说出:yes, i’m……..   /  no, i’m not.然后两人一组进行问答,老师叫个别学生会表演。2:老师将本课的挂图挂在黑板上,然后请同学说一说你看到了什么?3:老师可以播放本课的光盘。之前老师可以提一些问题:is lingling’s sad? and  so  on.4: 老师进行课文的解释,先让学生画出不懂得句子或者单词,然后提出来老师进行讲解。5:再次的播放光盘,学生跟读一遍,小组进行表演。课内外作业与反馈   完成练习册 板书设计:

unit1  are you feeling  sad? happy     bored     angry     sad

c:studentanswerquestion.2:学生回答老师的问题,也可以小组讨论。  3:回答问题5:小组表演

课题:module9  feeling 2


1 : 培养学生能善于和同学交流感情以及个人的情绪。2:引导学生能够用“are you feeling sad/bored/angry?3: 能够用英语询问自己的朋友或者家长。


are   you   feeling   sad


are   you   feeling   sad




  tape    book     picture     8页,当前第412345678教学过程教学内容与教师活动



一:warmming 1:进行上节课的复习,每个同学表述以下自己今天的情绪。i feeling……….2:和老师一起进行发音练习。比如:/a/  /ei/   /au/二:teaching 1:老师拿出表情卡片进行单词复习教学,拿出什么表情学生表演什么表情,示范几次后学生上讲台表演。2:完成书中的练习一,进一步的带领学生熟悉课文中将要使用到的部分单词。要想学生说明:他们要识别图中人物得情绪。3:给学生一点时间,以小组为单位编排一个对话并要求表演。然后翻开书看练习2。4:完成练习三a:听录音,然后说出他们的音标是什么(先让学生去体会,然后老师在纠正。)b:在次听录音,让学生在次掌握和加深读音。5:learn  poem.a:老师带领学生熟读诗句。并且先试着让学生翻译,然后老师做全部的解释。b:听录音初步感知,语音语调。c:播放第二遍录音,学生跟读,掌握语速。d:最后一遍要求要基本掌握,给一些时间同桌商讨一下,然后全班一起学习。6:完成练习5课内外作业与反馈:完成练习册

板书设计:unit2  i   feel happy

1:学生表演2:和老师共同完成练习3:小组表演自己编排的对话。4:学生听,说5:听   说  有感情的朗读6:以小组为单位表演

module10课题:unit1 you should…教学目标1、能够听、说、读、写本单元的单词和基本句型。2、能听懂会说“ you should…you shouldn’t…”.3、学会用英语描述良好的行为习惯。4、能正确、流利地朗读对话。教学重点准确理解对话中的语句,掌握四会单词和基本句型,并能正确书写。教学难点会用“you should…you shouldn’t…”等语句。教学课时一课时教学用具教学挂图、 单词卡片、 录音机、录音带、物品图片教学过程



复     备

一、warmming upstep1:sing a song 二、任务呈现与课文导入。1、教师向学生介绍故事情节并导入新课。2、将挂图出示出来,让学生看图猜想发生了什么事?3、听录音,引导学生说说故事。4、listen and repeat.sing a song ss:answer the questionslook and say教学过程



复     备

learn the new words.6、播放录音或动画,呈现sb 活动1。6、play the tape.7、play the tape again.drow the new words.边做动作帮助学生理解。三、巩固练习1、act dialogues.2、finish sb\33、finish ab\2四、homeworkcopy the new words

answer the questionrrad listen and say: listen and draw the new words.rrad and repeatact dialogues.a group do it,the ther group act.板书设计


unit1 you should look,then cross the road.you should hold my hand.you shouldn’twalk in the road.module10课题:unit2 you should eat fruit.教学目标3、能够听、说、读、写本单元的单词和基本句型。4、能听懂会说“you should…you shouldn’t…”3、学会用英语描述良好的行为习惯。8页,当前第5123456784、能正确、流利地朗读对话。教学重点准确理解对话中的语句,掌握四会单词和基本句型,并能正确书写。教学难点会用“you should…you shouldn’t…”等语句。教学课时一课时教学用具教学挂图、 单词卡片、 录音机、录音带.教学过程



复     备

四、warmming upstep1:sing a song 五、任务呈现与课文导入。1、教师播放课文录音2、拿出挂图,引导学生说说.3、说说该做的和不该做的事。sing a song sing a song ss:了解课文内容look and say教学过程



复     备

4、教师拿出挂图,引导学生看图讲讲图上的内容。5、播放录音或动画,呈现sb 活动1。6、play the tape.7、play the tape again.六、巩固练习1、完成sb活动22、finish sb\33、finish sb\4四、listen and say,the chant.1、play the tape.2、play the tape again.

answer the questionsanswer the questionslisten and say: rrad listen and say: rrad and repeat自由练习。板书设计

module10unit2 you should eat fruit.you should…you shouldn’t…

《英语》(新标准)(三起)第五册review module一、教学内容

review module二、教学目标1.知识目标:复习本册书学过的全部内容。




unit 1  

ⅰ. 热身复习1. greeting2. sing a song: where did you go?

ⅱ. presentation [新课]任务1——竞聘演员1.活动1:眼力大挑战①通过tpr活动,复习动词和动词词组;②让学生从另一组动词过去式中找出与图片配对的单词。如:go-went, work-worked.2.活动2:竞聘演员学生两人一组,通过表演形式告诉对方自己昨日的活动,让对方猜出自己所做的事,答对出示“yes”,答错出示“no”。如:a: you watched tv yesterday.    b: yes, i watched tv yesterday.    a: you went to the park yesterday.    b: no, i didn’t go to the park yesterday.猜对一方获1分,比一比,谁的分数最高,则为最佳演员。然后让学生完成课堂活动用书练习4。

3.free talk——lingling’s holiday


如:lingling was in london.

she bought a basketball.

she didn’t buy a cap.

② 教师让学生把书合上,让学生记忆玲玲的假日,判断是否正确。

如:师:lingling didn’t buy a cap.

生:yes. (学生出示卡片“√”和“x”抢答。)


1.               师:i’m very tired because i went to the supermarket yesterday. what did i buy? let’s go and see.教师通过how many/how much提问,让学生根据课文活动3的图片进行回答。8页,当前第612345678

如:师:how many banans?

    生:5 kilos.

2.              模拟超市场景,让学生两人一组用“how much/how many…do you want?来模拟购物情景。在相同时间内,看谁买的物品最丰富。


1.              让学生看课文活动4的表格,根据图片的内容两人一组进行问答。

如:a: can you jump far? 让学生根据表格中的“√”和“x”来回答。

    b: no, i can’t.

2.              此活动为小组活动,对组员进行面试“can you…?”然后根据组员在某一方面所具有的能力,招聘其到某俱乐部。

如:a: can you run fast?

b: yes, i can.

a: welcome to sports club.


ⅲ.homework【作业超市】1.     完成课堂活动用书练习2。选做:用课堂活动用书练习2的问题采访你的家长。  unit    2

ⅰ. 热身复习1. greeting2. say a poem: smile and be happy.

ⅱ. presentation [新课]任务1——我的梦境或回忆过去1.              free talk谈论昨夜梦里自己的活动或昨日难忘的事及现在的心情。如:生:i went to the moon yesterday in my dream.师:how do you feel now?生:i’m feeling happy /interesting.2.              四人小组一起完成该活动。一人描述活动,另外三人分别采访其此时心情。任务2——amy’s birthday party1.                教师带领学生参加amy的生日聚会。学生两人一组根据课文活动4采访对方喜爱的食物,并进行小组调查,选出最受欢迎的食物。如:a:  do you like…?         b:  yes, i do.  /  no, i don’t.2.                “amy举行了一个化妆聚会,他们玩得可开心了!可是,你瞧他们把屋子弄得多乱啊!你能找到这些物体的主人吗?”教师根据课文活动1开展竞猜游戏。如:师: whose dress is this ?    生:  it’s amy’s.3.              “我们终于找到它们的主人了!你觉得amy他们做得对吗?如果是你,你应该怎么做呢?”生:i should/shouldn’t….

任务3——礼仪小标兵1.              完成课文活动2。让学生用:“you should/shouldn’t….”评论每幅图。两人一组整理结果。8页,当前第7123456782.              完成课堂活动用书练习1。

