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五年级上册Unit 7 Do you have any hobbies?教案

五年级上册unit 7 do you have any hobbies?教案

unit 7   do you have any hobbies?
aims and demands:
1. have the students know how to ask someone’s hobbies and how to express their own hobbies.
2. have the students use the words such as collecting stickers, roller-balding, making handicrafts, etc correctly.
part   1
teaching steps:
step 1. warming–up
sing an english song.
revise some verbs by playing the game: look and say.
step 2 .presentation
tell the students i like swimming. swimming is my hobby. i like singing. singing is my hobby. then ask the students what does hobby mean?
ask the students : do you have any hobbies? help the ss answer i like singing .  singing is my hobby. etc.
play the game: drive the train. have every student say the similar sentences.
write do you have any hobbies? down on the bb. ss read the sentence after me . then have them practice in pairs.
play a guessing game to practice the sentences.
part 2
teaching steps:
step  1. warm-up
do and say.
free talk:
  a:  do you have any hobbies?
b:  i like ….
step 2. presentation  (cai)
teach the words: roller-blading, collecting stickers, a sticker album, making handicrafts, reading stories, cycling by showing the pictures.
play some games to practice the words:①bomb②high and low③guessing game④pointing game
step 3. practice
① listen to the tape and fill in the blanks.
② practice part c in groups.
③ do part d: listen and write.
④ do part e: look and write.
part 3
step 1. revision
ask some ss: what do you like?
do you have any hobbies?
step 2. presentation
ask a student: what do you like? then ask the other ss: what does he like? help the ss answer: he/she likes ….
repeat this steps several times. then ss practice in pairs.
teach does he/she have any hobbies? in the same way.
listen and read: answer the questions①what does peter like?
②what does anne like? ③does lingling have any hobbies?
⑤   what does mingming like?
listen and repeat.
step 3. practice
guessing game.
telephone game.
act the dialogue.
step 4. consolidation
a survey:
ask several ss: do you have any hobbies? and fill in the blanks.
making handicrafts
collecting stickers
4. revision
1. revision
revise the words:
game1: look and say
game2: guessing game
revise the sentences:
1. free talk: a:  do you have any hobbies?
b:  i like swimming. swimming is my hobby.
2. play a remember game to practice: does he/she have any hobbies? he/she likes cooking. cooking is his/her hobby.2页,当前第112
2. revision
revise part a: ① guessing game.
               ② telephone game
③ act the dialogue (group competition)
3. exercises
